sport · culture · nature
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innovation & education
TAUI MEDIA was born as an audiovisual production company in 2016 to promote the creation of pieces by filmmakers and filmmakers who want to tell unique stories about surfing, skateboarding, mountain ultras, cycling, climbing, urban sports, dance…
Igor Bellido 2025 25′
Sensei tells the story of a coach, Aritza Saratxaga, and her students. The generations that have passed through her school have left a legacy of surfers unique in the history of surfing in the Basque Country. A coach with a unique character who works hard to raise his students to the top of the competition. A unique vision in which you will see reflected the different situations that surfers and coaches go through.
Coming soon
Igor Bellido 2024 30′
A Basque surfing personality, deep and passionate film
EITB 2024
Documentary series about surfing for the PRIMERAN platform
Surf con estrella
Isio Noya 2024 5′
With award-winning basque chef Fernando Canales
Javi Goya 2023 28′
How rare diseases can condition life
Javi Goya 2023 30′
Biopic about the young surfer from Navarre Xabi Lopez
Igor Bellido 2023 6′
Together with the basque surfer and skateboarder, Yago Domínguez
Marea Viva
Igor Bellido 2023 5′
Together with the basque surfer and sportswoman, Maria Martinez
Igor Bellido 2023 5′
Next to the young basque surfer, Iker Trigueros
Goya—Arana 2022 16′
With Longboard State Champion Carlota Jauregui
Tito Nazaré
Urberuaga—Delgado 2022 13′
Giant waves in Nazaré with the young Basque Tito Ortega
Peio y su mundo
Urberuaga—Delgado 2022 5′
Skateboarding with the well-known young skateboarder Peio González
Camí de Cavalls
Bellido 2020 26′
Well-known ultra race in Mallorca with friends Isusko and Roberto
Ultrainer: Basque Country
Bellido 2020 19′
Ultra’ races between two friends from Euskal Herria
Vivó, un hombre con 7 vidas
Urberuaga—Delgado 2018 22′
Sport and life problems in the elderly
Kerman Lejarraga: Revolver de Morga
Urberuaga—Delgado 2017 48′
Boxing with the well-known Kerman Lejarraga
Big Wave in the Basque Country
Urberuaga—Delgado 2016 48′
The film that has delved deeper into basque surfing
Bilbao Surf Film Festival
Bilbao—Getxo 2015—Today
Nazioarteko euskal surf jaialdirik handiena: filmak, argazkilaritza, kontzertuak, erakusketak, txapelketak, tailerrak, hitzaldiak, market…
Street Kirolak
Biscay 2017—Today
Urban kirol eta kulturari buruzko ekitaldiak, Bizkaiko hainbat udalerrietan ospatuta (Galdakao, Zamudio, Maruri-Jatabe…)
Surfing360 #surfingneta
Basque Country 2023—Today
EITB Mediarekin batera sortutako #Surfing360 proiektua eta PRIMERAN plataforma promozionatzeko egindako irteerak
Getxo Itsas Fest
Getxo (Collaboration) 2022—Today
Koordinazioa eta Komunikazioa Getxoko Itsasoaren Jaialdian 2022. urtetik aurrera, Getxo Itsas Hub-eko beste hainbat erakundeekin
Sopela Kosta Fest #market
Sopela (Collaboration in 2024)
Kolaborazio berezia jaialdiaren #market merkatua kudeatzeko 2024. urteko ospatuko den edizio berrian
Kirol / Surf Film Sessions
Biscay 2015—2020
Bizkaiko hainbat kostaldeko udalerrietan ospatutako kirol eta surfaari buruzko filmen ekitaldi txikiak
Equality and inclussion
- Promoting the presence of women
- Gender perspective
- Inclusive and accessible events
- Adapting to diversity
Sustainability and nature
- To educate society about ecology
- Promote responsible consumption
- Raise awareness on climate change
- Sustainable productions and events
Sports and health
- Bringing sports closer to the general public
- Encourage the practice of sports
- Promote synergies in the industry
- To make basque sportsmen/women visible
Culture and economy
- Facilitating culture for all
- Encourage cultural relations
- Supporting culture and the local economy
- Culture-tourism symbiosis
We adhere to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, especially points 13 and 14.
Thus, all our activities, sponsors and philosophies are in line with these goals.